Darren Edwards
      • Darren Edwards
      • Senior Associate
    • Contact

      • 01243 787899
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    • Address

      • Avenue House
      • Southgate
      • Chichester
      • West Sussex
      • PO19 1ES
      • 01243 787899
      • 01243 786651

Darren Edwards

Senior Associate

Darren joined Anderson Rowntree in August 2020 and became part of Glanvilles Anderson Rowntree with the merger in 2022 as a Senior Associate in the Commercial Property team. 

Darren has a broad range of experience in dealing with property transactions specialising in commercial properties and has advised businesses both small and large as well as investors, pension funds, clubs and charities in various industry sectors.

Darren obtained a law degree at the University of Kingston in 2002 following which he attended the College of Law in Guildford. He worked at his previous firm for 15 years including 6 years as a partner.

Darren's hobbies include cycling and spending time with his family. 

Areas of Expertise

  • Disposals and acquisitions of commercial premises such as industrial units, shops, offices and restaurants
  • Leases and Licences of commercial premises for both Landlords and Tenants
  • Option, Pre-emption, Promotion and Development Agreements
  • Refinancing commercial premises